#qwoted : #media : #LouCarlozo : #PR : #publicrelations : Media Coverage

Q Simon, Havas Formula
Q Simon of Havas Formula is a Qwoted 100 Superstar.

Qwoted 100 PR Superstar: Q Simon of Havas Formula.

As a Senior Account Executive at Havas Formula, Q Simon manages public relations for diverse consumer lifestyle and financial services brands. Simon secures top-tier media coverage for her clients through well crafted PR strategies and establishing strong relationships with journalists and editors.

Simon shares how compassion, creativity, and communication can lead to great success in PR.

Qwoted: What do you see as the future of PR—technologically, strategically, or in any category you’re passionate about?

Q Simon: What makes our creative work unique is that it fundamentally can’t be replaced by a machine. I look forward to developments in PR integrating AI to fill the gaps of the administrative work, acting as a major timesaver, so that we can focus on what we do best – creative, original thinking that a machine can’t do. Just think of how much time you’ll have back with AI streamlining tasks like media monitoring, data analysis, and routine communications.

Qwoted: What do you do that you’re most proud of and that other PRs could learn from?

Simon: Time is our scarcest resource, and it’s critical to respect it. Even if a posted deadline is days out, the earlier you get your submissions in, the better. That may even mean giving your representatives an earlier deadline. By creating that time buffer, you also inherently decrease your margin of error for unexpected changes. This ultimately delivers reliability to your clients and reporter contacts.

Qwoted: What’s your toughest challenge with reporters?

Simon: The two greatest challenges with reporters are 1) breaking through the noise of a saturated industry, and 2) finding reporters that are writing about topics that more nuanced experts want to speak to. In a crowded media landscape, personalization is key to help your product or brand stand out and resonate with specific journalists. Additionally, building a robust network increases your chances of knowing niche reporters who will cover your niche experts; a time-consuming but highly rewarding discipline.

Qwoted: How do you approach breaking through the noise floor to get effective coverage?

Simon: It’s all about building relationships to establish a sense of trust, as well as genuinely pushing clients and brands to deliver compelling products and services that reporters want to talk about. Developing strong rapport with journalists is important – but only goes so far. Bottom line: earned coverage follows newsworthy information.

Qwoted: How does PR in 2024 square with the future of journalism?

Simon: These days, readers crave authenticity – which at its purest form – does not align with branded and sponsored content. PR bridges that gap to serve as an authentic source of insight and knowledge that consumers can consume from trusted publications, writers, and reviewers. Successful PR requires collaboration to provide valuable, engaging content for audiences; ultimately maintaining the integrity of journalism while effectively promoting clients.

Qwoted: What advice would you give to those seeking to find an effective PR person?

Simon: So much of PR relies on communicating with one another. There will always be approval issues or missed deadlines, but finding PR contacts who are timely in their responses, share updates in real-time, and aren’t afraid to push back on clients when necessary gives both parties a mutual understanding and confidence.

Qwoted: What is your golden rule of PR?

Simon: We’re all human, and we’re all working towards the same goal: to provide the best editorial content as possible. Recognizing this human element in PR is key to helping one another (other PRs, journalists, clients, etc.) – understanding challenges, communicating openly, and striving for mutual success. Compassion is so often the answer.

Q Simon is Senior Account Executive at Havas Formula. Email Q.simon@havasformula.com or connect on LinkedIn.

Lou Carlozo is Qwoted’s editor-in-chief and the editor-publisher emeritus of Talking Biz News. His memoir “The Lost Coin” is slated for publication this year. Email lou@qwoted.com or connect on LinkedIn.