Combating Disinformation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
The rapid rise of advanced AI models, like ChatGPT, has created new issues in the ongoing fight against disinformation, spam, and fake news. In an age where news travels at the speed of light, the need for accurate and trustworthy information is more urgent than ever.
At Qwoted, authenticity has always been at the heart of our mission. Unlike outdated platforms reliant on listservs and directories, Qwoted was built to provide journalists and experts with a reliable network of high-quality connections. From the moment users join our platform, they commit to upholding Qwoted’s standards by verifying their identity and agreeing to our zero-tolerance policy for misinformation. Those who violate this commitment and provide false information are promptly removed from our network, safeguarding the integrity of our community.
What Other Measures Are We Taking?
As AI-generated content sneaks into the mainstream, Qwoted is introducing a Check for AI feature powered by GPTZero*. This tool will help journalists quickly see which pitches GPTZero has identified as highly likely to contain AI-generated text. This gives reporters a simple in-network solution to test the authenticity of the responses they receive.
A single click reveals whether or not GPTZero believes a pitch contains AI-generated content, giving media greater confidence in pursuing credible experts.
Our Commitment to You
Our Media Success Team is available to help with any suspicious behavior you experience on the platform, while our moderators use advanced AI detection tools to monitor the authenticity of conversations happening in-platform. These safeguards help us meet the high standards of our users, helping journalists feel confident about the quality of experts and PR representatives they are talking to on Qwoted.
Our Media Advisory Board, which includes some of the world’s top journalists and journalism professors, works closely with us to anticipate and navigate any emerging challenges facing reporters. Together, we’re addressing the growing threat of AI-fueled disinformation to keep Qwoted a reliable resource for the media for years to come.
A Network for Authentic Reporting
Built for the media, by the media, Qwoted was always designed with one clear goal in mind: to create a reliable, trustworthy space where journalists and writers can connect with vetted experts and access authentic information. We understand the pressures facing journalists today and are committed to offering solutions that simplify the search for credible sources.
In a time where accuracy and authenticity are more important than ever, Qwoted is committed to continually investing in tools and techniques that maintain the authenticity of the information on our platform. As we nurture a network rooted in trust, we hope to empower journalists to focus on what matters most—truthfully telling tomorrow’s stories.
*Qwoted does not control GPTZero results or guarantee the tool’s accuracy.