Reporters | Storytellers | Content Creators

A network built by the media, for the media
Join Qwoted to grow your network and get what you need for your next story. Always free for members of the media.
Qwoted brings diverse expertise to you

Find sources for your stories
Let Qwoted identify relevant experts while you work on other things. Submit a request, receive responses, and connect with your favorites.
Build and diversify your network
Access the largest expert community and directly contact sources that resonate with your audience via Qwoted’s in-app messaging tool.
Tame your inbox
Qwoted gives you more control over your inbox. Mute conversations when you have what you need and say goodbye to spammy follow-ups.
Find what’s next
Qwoted connects you with more than just experts. Source story ideas for future articles, and even find your next career move with our global jobs board.
Create your free media account here

When I’m working on a story, I know the type of guest I’m looking for, but I don’t always know who would be the best fit. Qwoted helps bridge that gap.
Rather than scour my inbox for a pitch that might be helpful, it’s nice to have tailored pitches delivered to me on exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks Qwoted!!

The quality of responses is much higher than other similar sites - I am a fan.

My favorite part is not having to sift through hundreds of HARO responses! It saves me so much time.

I get great responses without getting overwhelmed by off-target pitches, which is a real problem with the other tools I've used.

I rely on Qwoted more and more. It's a great tool! I always get useful commentary. It's a game-changer.

Qwoted is the best thing to happen for freelancers like myself. Qwoted not only makes finding experts a walk in the park, but gets it done in a couple of hours!

Media Advisory Board
Shape the future of Qwoted
Qwoted’s Media Advisory Board is comprised of leading media professionals and academics. Volunteers oversee the development of features on the Qwoted platform, to ensure that the network conforms to ethical standards and works to support the media. To inquire about joining the board, email