#qwoted : #PR : #publicrelations : Media Coverage

Nicole Pomije, NB Talent Services
Nicole Pomije of NB Talent Services is our Qwoted 100 Superstar

Qwoted 100 PR Superstar: Nicole Pomije of NB Talent Services

Nicole Pomije is the founder and public relations specialist of NB Talent Solutions, a leading firm specializing in creating powerful narratives in the fields of healthcare and finance.

With over a decade of experience in the B2B, B2C consumer products, medical and financial space, Nicole leverages her expertise in PR to drive impactful outcomes for her clients. Using her deep understanding of the intricacies of PR, Pomije has cultivated strong relationships with top-tier media outlets, helping her clients land coverage in countless notable publications.

Qwoted: What do you see as the future of PR—technologically, strategically, or in any category you’re passionate about?

Nicole Pomije: Personally, I’m passionate about the integration of PR with broader organizational goals, particularly in areas like corporate social responsibility and sustainability. Today’s audiences expect companies to not only deliver quality products and services but also to contribute positively to society and the environment. PR has a vital role in shaping and communicating these initiatives, aligning them with the values of both the organization and its stakeholders.

Overall, the future of PR is about embracing innovation while staying true to the fundamental principles of communication and relationship-building. It’s an exciting time to be in the field, and I can’t wait to see where it takes us next!

Qwoted: What do you do that you’re most proud of and that other PRs could learn from?

Pomije: One of the things I’m most proud of in my PR career is how I’ve been able to cultivate genuine, long-lasting relationships with both clients and media professionals. Building trust and rapport is at the heart of effective PR, and I’ve always prioritized open communication, empathy, and reliability in my interactions.

I believe other PR professionals could learn from the importance of authenticity and sincerity in their relationships. It’s not just about pitching stories or pushing agendas; it’s about truly understanding the needs and perspectives of the people you’re working with and finding common ground to collaborate effectively.

Qwoted: What’s your toughest challenge with reporters?

Pomije: One of the toughest challenges I’ve faced with reporters is striking the right balance between providing them with the information they need and respecting their deadlines and editorial priorities.

Reporters are often under tight deadlines and facing competing demands, which can make it challenging to ensure that our pitches and press releases capture their attention in the midst of everything else vying for their focus.
Another challenge is navigating the ever-changing media landscape. With the rise of digital media and social platforms, reporters are inundated with information from various sources, making it increasingly difficult to cut through the noise and secure coverage for our clients.

Qwoted: How do you approach breaking through the noise floor to get effective coverage?

Pomije: Breaking through the noise floor to secure effective coverage boils down to one crucial factor: telling relevant stories to the right audience. In today’s fast-paced media landscape, where information overload is the norm, it’s not enough to just make noise. We need to make meaningful connections by delivering stories that resonate with our target audience’s interests, concerns, and values.

Qwoted: How does PR in 2024 square with the future of journalism?

Pomije: In 2024, PR and journalism are tightly intertwined, adapting to digital platforms and emphasizing authenticity. As information travels faster, both fields navigate a landscape where traditional media merges with bloggers and influencers. Boundaries between earned and paid media blur, requiring careful navigation. Collaboration between PR and journalism is key to delivering richer, more authentic experiences for audiences.

Qwoted: What advice would you give to those seeking to find an effective PR person?

Pomije: When seeking an effective PR person, my advice would be to prioritize finding someone who not only has the skills and experience in the field but also shares your values and understands your unique needs. Look for someone who is proactive, creative, and adaptable, capable of thinking outside the box and navigating the ever-changing media landscape.

Qwoted: What is your golden rule of PR?

Pomije: Always prioritize authenticity and build genuine relationships. Transparent communication and a sincere approach foster trust and long-term success in the media landscape.

Qwoted: What learnings have made a tremendous difference in your career?

Pomije: One of the most transformative learnings in my career so far has been the importance of resilience and adaptability. In PR, every day brings new challenges and opportunities, and being able to roll with the punches and adjust course when needed has been essential to my success.

Another crucial lesson has been the power of storytelling. PR is all about crafting narratives that resonate with audiences on a human level, and mastering the art of storytelling has allowed me to connect with stakeholders in meaningful ways and drive impactful results for my clients.

Nicole Pomije is Founder and CEO of NB Talent Services. Email nicole@nbtalentservices.com or connect on LinkedIn.

Lou Carlozo is Qwoted’s editor-in-chief and the editor-publisher emeritus of Talking Biz News. His memoir “The Lost Coin” is slated for publication this year. Email lou@qwoted.com or connect on LinkedIn.